
Sustaining Pastoral Excellence Program Holds ‘Vital Pastors’ Retreat

(Feb. 26, 2007) — “Thank you for the re-call to ministry.” Those words, uttered by a pastor during a closing circle prayer, capped two years of exploring with colleagues what it means to pastor with excellence. Many of the 18 pastors in the circle might have expressed the same sense of renewal. Sustaining Pastoral Excellence,

Newsline for February 14, 2007

“…Let us love one another, because love is from God…,” — 1 John 4:7a NEWS 1) Faith expedition takes Brethren to Vietnam. 2) Brethren bits: Personnel, job openings, trips, and much more. UPCOMING EVENTS 3) New African-American music group to tour. 4) Brethren help sponsor christian peace witness on war anniversary. 5) Plans progress for

Plans Progress for 300th Anniversary of Brethren Movement

(Feb. 12, 2007) — The Anniversary Committee of Annual Conference has announced several plans for special events and commemorations of the 300th anniversary of the Brethren movement. Among them are an opening celebration this fall in Germantown, Pa., joint events will be held with the Brethren Church at the 2008 Annual Conference, and a “300th

BVS Announces Winter Orientation Unit

(Jan. 8, 2007) — Brethren Volunteer Service (BVS) has announced the start of the 2007 winter orientation unit, to be held Jan. 28-Feb. 16 at Camp Ithiel in Gotha, Fla. This orientation will be the 273th unit for BVS, and will include 16 volunteers from across the US and Germany. Several Church of the Brethren

Newsline for October 25, 2006

“Hear, my child, and be wise, and direct your mind in the way.” — Proverbs 23:19 NEWS 1) Trust is created to help preserve John Kline homestead. 2) Brethren Volunteer Service Unit 272 begins work. 3) Atlantic Northeast District Conference meets on ‘Together’ theme. 4) MAX supports denominational wellness ministry. 5) Colorado Brethren and Mennonite

Amana Colonies Seminar Offers Continuing Education Credit for Pastors, Ministry Students

“The Other Stream: Alternative Forms of Radical Pietism” is a continuing education opportunity for clergy, ministry students, and others interested in the history and theology of the Church of the Brethren. The seminar on July 5-6 in Amana, Iowa, following the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference in Des Moines, is offered by the Brethren

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