Newsline is the Church of the Brethren e-mail news service. Go to to subscribe or unsubscribe. Dec. 17, 2009 “And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed…” (Isaiah 40:5a, NIV). NEWS 1) Immigration issues are affecting some Brethren congregations. 2) Grants support ecumenical build in Iowa, assistance to Cambodia, India, Haiti. 3) Kulp Bible
Tag: First Church of the Brethren (Harrisburg Pa.)
Newsline for November 19, 2008
November 19, 2008 “Celebrating the Church of the Brethren’s 300th Anniversary in 2008” “Remember Jesus Christ…” (2 Timothy 2:8a). NEWS 1) Children’s Disaster Services responds to California wildfires. 2) Brethren funds disburse grants for disaster relief, food security. 3) Brethren support hunger report reviewing Millennium Development Goals. 4) Summit for progressive Brethren meets in Indianapolis.
On Earth Peace Board Meeting Focuses on Strategic Planning
“Celebrating the Church of the Brethren’s 300th Anniversary in 2008″ (April 14, 2008) — On April 4-5, the board of directors of On Earth Peace met at the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md. Each session of the meeting opened with devotions and prayer, led by members of the board. On Earth Peace continues
Newsline Extra for November 21, 2007
November 21, 2007 “…Serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received” (1 Peter 4:10b) ROUND-UP OF DISTRICT NEWS 1) Atlantic Northeast District meets on theme, ‘God Is Faithful.’ 2) Atlantic Southeast District celebrates its 83rd conference. 3) Middle Pennsylvania District Conference affirms new mission plan. 4) W. Pennsylvania District challenges members to
Newsline Special: 300th Anniversary Opening Event at Germantown
September 18, 2007 Germantown Church hosts opening event of the 300th anniversary celebration (La Iglesia de Germantown patrocina la abertura para celebrar el 300avo aniversario) On Sept. 15-16 Germantown Church of the Brethren in Philadelphia hosted the opening event of a year-long celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Brethren movement, which began in Germany
Newsline Extra for September 12, 2007
September 12, 2007 1) 300th Anniversary update: Annual Conference 2008 theme reflects anniversary theme. 2) 300th Anniversary bits and pieces. 3) Cross-Cultural Consultation furthers Revelation 7:9 vision. 3b) La Consulta y Celebración Multiétnica de 2008 profundizará más en la visión de Apocalipsis 7:9. 4) Mission offering invites Brethren to ‘widen the circle.’ 5) New resources
Cross-Cultural Consultation in 2008 to Further Revelation 7:9 Vision for the Church
Church of the Brethren Newsline September 11, 2007 “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21). * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Newsline for July 4, 2007
“Proclaim the power of God” — 2007 Annual Conference theme from Psalm 68:34-35 NEWS 1) Annual Conference 2007 makes history, addresses complex and lengthy business agenda. 1b) La Conferencia Anual de 2007 hace historia y trata con una agenda grande y compleja. 2) Annual Conference elections and appointments. 3) Annual Conference bits and pieces: 4)
Newsline Extra for June 21, 2007
“…A place among those who are sanctified by faith….” Acts 26:18b 1) Caring Ministries Assembly centers on the theme, ‘Being Family.’ 2) Korean-American pastor to join delegation to North Korea. 3) Annual Conference update: Kenyan leader in water development to attend. 4) Annual Conference bits and pieces. 5) 300th anniversary update: Civil Rights Project invites
Newsline for April 11, 2007
“We have seen the Lord.” — John 20:25b NEWS 1) Annual Conference Council expresses concern over funding shortfall. 2) Bethany Seminary board honors president Eugene F. Roop. 3) Brethren deliver World Day of Prayer requests to House Speaker. 4) Brethren bits: Correction, personnel, RYC, and more. PERSONNEL 5) Scheppard to be new vice president, dean