National Council of Churches Provides Earth Day Sunday Resources

“This year, 2012, we are entering into a spirit of reflection regarding Ethics of Energy. This is the theme of our Earth Day Sunday resource and a series of six webinars we will host throughout the year,” reports the National Council of Churches (NCC) Eco-Justice program.

Civilian Public Service Camps Mark 70th Anniversaries

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the opening of a number of the Civilian Public Service (CPS) camps where Church of the Brethren conscientious objectors worked during World War II. Some 15 CPS camps overseen by the Brethren Service Committee opened in 1942.

Annual CCT Meeting Has Anti-Racism, Anti-Poverty Focus

Christian Churches Together (CCT) completed its annual meeting Feb. 17 in Memphis, Tenn. Attending were 85 national church leaders from the organization’s five “faith families”: African-American, Catholic, Historic Protestant, Evangelical/Pentecostal, and Orthodox Christian. The group of men and women of many colors and ethnicities sought together to better understand and more effectively organize to combat racism and poverty in America.

Brethren Congregations Among Those Being Surveyed

Church of the Brethren congregations are being invited to respond to a survey that will be arriving in mailboxes soon. The survey is a broad curriculum survey being conducted by the Protestant Church-owned Publishers Association (PCPA), of which Brethren Press is a member.

Stewardship Leadership Seminar Focuses on Generosity

On Nov. 28, 2011, more than 80 steward leaders gathered at the Sirata Beach Resort in St. Pete Beach, Fla., for the Ecumenical Stewardship Center 2011 Leadership Seminar. The theme was “Creating Congregational Culture of Generosity in the 21st Century.” Representatives from nearly 20 denominations heard presentations on the subject by plenary speakers Carol F. Johnston, Jill Schumann, and Paul Johnson. Attendees participated in lively discussion, sharing of ideas, and mutual encouragement.

Church’s Elgin Warehouse to Be Collection Point for MLK Food Drive

The warehouse at the Church of the Brethren General Offices in Elgin, Ill., is to be the collection point for the city’s food drive commemorating Martin Luther King Day. Food collected over the weekend by churches and schools will be brought to the warehouse at 1451 Dundee Ave. for sorting and distribution to area food pantries and the Community Crisis Center.

World Interfaith Harmony Week is Feb. 1-7

On Oct. 20, 2010, the General Assembly of the United Nations unanimously adopted a resolution designating the first week in February to be an annual World Interfaith Harmony Week. The General Assembly called for dialogue among the different religions internationally, nationally, and locally to enhance interfaith harmony and cooperation.

Newsline for December 29, 2011

The Dec. 29, 2011, issue of the Church of the Brethren Newsline offers the following stories: 1) GFCF gives grants to Rural Service Center, Brethren group in Congo; 2) EDF sends money to Thailand, Cambodia for flood response; 3) Brethren staff leave North Korea for Christmas break; 4) Hoslers conclude their service in Nigeria, report on peace work; 5) NCC condemns attack on worshipers in Nigeria; 6) BVS Europe welcomes largest number of volunteers since 2004; 7) Juniata takes action during Sandusky investigation; 8) Royer retires as manager of Global Food Crisis Fund; 9) Blevins resigns as advocacy officer, ecumenical peace coordinator; 10) World Interfaith Harmony Week is Feb. 1-7; 11) Peace meditation: Reflections from a BVS volunteer in Europe; 12) Brethren bits.

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