
Blaine and Nancy Miner to lead Western Plains District

The Western Plains District of the Church of the Brethren has called Blaine and Nancy Miner to serve as co-district executive ministers in a half-time role. While they will begin familiarizing themselves on a limited basis with the work of the district during June and July, their formal starting date will be Aug. 5 following the Western Plains District conference.

Atlantic Southeast District announces staff appointments

Atlantic Southeast District has called Michaela Alphonse to serve as temporary director of program, a part-time role she began this past February and will resume Aug. 1 after she completes a pastoral sabbatical. The district has called Larry O’Neill to serve as director of English ministries, a role he began on March 23.

John Jantzi to conclude his leadership of Shenandoah District in early 2025

John Jantzi has announced that he will conclude his service as district executive minister for the Church of the Brethren’s Shenandoah District, as of March 1, 2025. He has served in the position for almost 12 years, since Aug. 1, 2012. During these years, he has given leadership to district ministries during a season of significant change while faithfully guiding district staff and leaders in their work.

Douglas Veal to lead Mid-Atlantic District

Douglas Veal has been called as district executive minister for the Church of the Brethren’s Mid-Atlantic District, beginning June 25. Veal is currently pastor of Wabash (Ind.) Church of the Brethren in South Central Indiana District and also has served pastorates in Southern Ohio and Kentucky District and in Virlina District.

Ministry ethics trainers to begin their work

The Church of the Brethren’s Office of Ministry gathered nine ethics trainers this past week at the denomination’s General Offices in Elgin, Ill., in preparation for leading district events during the coming year and a half. Required ethics training for all ministers will take place across the denomination as ministers renew their credentialed status within their districts.

Subcommittees report during Zoom meeting of district delegates to Annual Conference

During an online meeting of the Standing Committee of district delegates to the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference, held the evening of Jan. 29, reports were received from subcommittees. The meeting was presided over by Annual Conference moderator Madalyn Metzger, assisted by moderator-elect Dava Hensley and secretary David Shumate, with Annual Conference director Rhonda Pittman Gingrich.

Council of District Executives holds annual winter meeting

The Council of District Executives (CODE) held its annual winter meetings Jan. 20-24 near Melbourne, Fla., with some members also attending the Church of the Brethren Inter-Agency Forum (IAF) meeting that followed. Twenty-two of the denomination’s 24 districts were represented, along with Office of Ministry director Nancy Sollenberger Heishman.

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