Since it started four years ago, the “Ventures in Christian Discipleship” program at McPherson (Kan.) College has focused on providing small church congregations with useful, affordable education. With the course offerings in 2016-17, Ventures is about to become even more affordable and, therefore, even more useful.
Tag: Colleges
Former Bethany Seminary President Wayne L. Miller Passes Away
Wayne Lowell Miller, 91, who was for many years a leader in the Church of the Brethren, passed away on June 24 at the Courtyards, Brethren Village, in Lancaster, Pa. Throughout a lengthy career of service to the church he held academic and leadership positions at four Church of the Brethren-related colleges and universities–Manchester, McPherson, Elizabethtown, and La Verne–and was president of Bethany Theological Seminary, the Church of the Brethren’s graduate school of theology.
Newsline Special: Requests for Prayer
Over the weekend, a tragedy involving students at Manchester University, the sudden hospitalization of associate general secretary Mary Jo Flory-Steury, and a fire at Cross Keys Village-one of the Church of the Brethren-related retirement communities, have prompted calls for prayer.
New Ventures Session Offer Opportunity for Story of Grief, Healing
The newest offering in the Ventures sessions hosted at McPherson (Kan.) College comes up on Jan. 16, titled “The Road We Travel…a Journey Shared.” Deb and Dale Ziegler will share about their journey of loss, grief, and healing since September 2012 when their 19-year-old son–a college student at McPherson–was killed while riding his bicycle.
Powerhouse Regional Youth Conference to Celebrate an ‘Attitude of Gratitude’
The Powerhouse Regional Youth Conference will return to Camp Mack in Milford, Ind., again this year for its sixth edition, providing a weekend of worship, workshops, music, recreation, and more for Midwest senior high youth and their advisors. We hope you can join us Nov. 21-22 for this great weekend! Our theme will be “An Attitude of Gratitude,” looking at ways we live out and express thankfulness.
General Secretary’s Luncheon with Higher Education Asks ‘Who Was Jesus?’
University of La Verne, Calif., was the institution highlighted this year at the General Secretary’s Luncheon with Higher Education. Keynote speaker Dr. Jonathan Reed addressed the luncheon on the topic of “Who Was Jesus?”
General Secretary’s Luncheon in 2015 Continues a Focus on Higher Education
A General Secretary’s dinner at last year’s Annual Conference was the first in a series to engage educators in topics of importance to the church and society. The events have the overarching goal to work at the church’s relationship with the Brethren-related institutions of higher education: Bridgewater College in Virginia, Elizabethtown College and Juniata College in Pennsylvania, the University of La Verne in California, McPherson College in Kansas, Manchester University and Bethany Theological Seminary in Indiana.
Bucher Publishes New Commentary, Discusses ‘Lamentations, Song of Songs’ April 29 at Elizabethtown College
Christina A. Bucher, the Carl W. Zeigler Chair in Religious Studies at Elizabethtown (Pa.) College, recently published a Bible commentary on the book Song of Songs, as part of the Believers Church Bible Commentary series. Bucher’s commentary shares space in the volume, “Lamentations, Song of Songs,” with Wilma Ann Bailey, who explores Lamentations.
Academic Symposium on the Book of Job Features Leading Brethren Scholars
An academic symposium on “The Book of Job and Brethren Tradition” will be held at Elizabethtown (Pa.) College on Nov. 5, featuring leading Brethren scholars. The registration deadline is today, Oct. 22. Download a registration form from or contact 717-361-1450 or .
Powerhouse Regional Youth Conference to Be at Camp Mack in Mid-November
The Powerhouse regional youth conference has reached its fifth anniversary! Powerhouse will return to Camp Mack near Milford, Ind., on Nov. 15-16, providing a weekend of worship, workshops, music, recreation, and more for senior high youth in the Midwest and their advisors.