
Newsline for April 22, 2009

“Love does no wrong to a neighbor…” (Romans 13:10a). NEWS 1) Bethany Theological Seminary Trustees hold spring meeting. 2) Brethren representative attends UN conference on racism. 3) Church of the Brethren staff participate in White House conference call. 4) Ecumenical Blitz Build begins in New Orleans. 5) Sustaining Pastoral Excellence fields final pastor cohorts. 6)

Newsline Special for May 22, 2006

“So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God.” — Ephesians 2:19 NEWS 1) Cross Cultural Celebration reflects on the household of God. 2) Celebración Intercultural refleja la casa de Dios. 3) Brethren in Puerto Rico ask for prayer for

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