A Brethren World Assembly, consisting of constituents and friends of the Brethren groups descended from the German Anabaptist/Radical Pietist religious leader Alexander Mack in the early 1700s, will be held in the Dayton, Ohio, area Thursday-Sunday, July 11-14, 2013.
Brethren Digital Archives Project Enters Phase 2
The Brethren Digital Archives committee met on April 23 at the Brethren Heritage Center in Brookeville, Ohio. The group is guiding a project to digitize Brethren periodicals and publications.
Newsline for Sept. 21, 2011
This week’s issue includes news of the International Day of Prayer for Peace bringing communities together, a Peace Prayer Wall posted by the World Council of Churches, a presentation by a WCC leader on peace and justice, upcoming events including preachers for the 2012 Annual Conference and the next Brethren webinar, order info for the Advent Devotional from Brethren Press, a report from the Brethren representative to the UN, and more “Brethren bits.”
Genealogists Hear from Emmert Bittinger, Receive Report on Brethren Digital Archives
The Fellowship of Brethren Genealogists (FOBG) held their Annual Meeting on July 2, 2011. Featured speaker Emmert Bittinger is one of the persons working on studying nearly 300 families of Rockingham County, Va., and their experiences during the Civil War. Their research is being published in a six volume set.
Brethren and the Civil War
In a recent newsletter, Shenandoah District included the following reflection on the 150th anniversary of the start of the Civil War, and how Brethren at the time responded: “On May 19-22, 1861, the Brethren held their Yearly Meeting at Beaver Creek (now a congregation near Bridgewater, Va.). This is a particularly historic and meaningful gathering that deserves commemoration because it occurred in our district during the turbulent, opening days of the Civil War….”