
Brethren World Assembly Planned for July 2013

A Brethren World Assembly, consisting of constituents and friends of the Brethren groups descended from the German Anabaptist/Radical Pietist religious leader Alexander Mack in the early 1700s, will be held in the Dayton, Ohio, area Thursday-Sunday, July 11-14, 2013.

Brethren Digital Archives Project Enters Phase 2

The Brethren Digital Archives committee met on April 23 at the Brethren Heritage Center in Brookeville, Ohio. The group is guiding a project to digitize Brethren periodicals and publications.

Newsline for Sept. 21, 2011

This week’s issue includes news of the International Day of Prayer for Peace bringing communities together, a Peace Prayer Wall posted by the World Council of Churches, a presentation by a WCC leader on peace and justice, upcoming events including preachers for the 2012 Annual Conference and the next Brethren webinar, order info for the Advent Devotional from Brethren Press, a report from the Brethren representative to the UN, and more “Brethren bits.”

Brethren and the Civil War

In a recent newsletter, Shenandoah District included the following reflection on the 150th anniversary of the start of the Civil War, and how Brethren at the time responded: “On May 19-22, 1861, the Brethren held their Yearly Meeting at Beaver Creek (now a congregation near Bridgewater, Va.). This is a particularly historic and meaningful gathering that deserves commemoration because it occurred in our district during the turbulent, opening days of the Civil War….”

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