
Annual Conference 2022 will include virtual, online option for nondelegates

The Annual Conference office has announced a virtual, online option for nondelegates who are not planning to travel to Omaha, Neb., for this summer’s Conference but would like to participate in more than just worship (which will continue to be livestreamed for all, free of charge).

Annual Conference ballot for 2022 is announced

The Annual Conference office has announced the ballot to be presented at this summer’s Conference on July 10-14 in Omaha, Neb. Topping the ballot are two candidates for Annual Conference moderator-elect–Marla Bieber Abe and Madalyn Metzger–and two candidates for Annual Conference secretary–Connie R. Burkholder and David K. Shumate. Candidates for numerous additional offices also have been announced.

COVID response plan is set in place for 2022 Annual Conference

As we look ahead to Annual Conference on July 10-14, 2022, in Omaha, Neb., one of our top priorities is caring for the health and wellbeing of all Conferencegoers. In the highly politicized context of the ongoing pandemic, this has proven to be a challenging task. The Program and Arrangements Committee developed the following plan in consultation with epidemiologist Dr. Kathryn Jacobsen and physician and former Program and Arrangements Committee member Dr. Emily Shonk Edwards.

‘We need you!’: Continuing nominations are welcome

The deadline for nominations for the Annual Conference ballot has been extended until Jan. 1, 2022. The Church of the Brethren denomination and its agencies depend on leaders elected at Annual Conference from nominees proposed by the wider church. We need you!

Brethren bits for Aug. 19, 2021

In this issue: The logo for the 2022 Annual Conference is released, prayer requests from Global Mission, job opening, Calling the Called, ‘The Truth About Military Recruiting,’ Atlantic Southeast’s annual Family Peace Camp, McPherson experiences record enrollment, among other news by, for, and about Brethren.

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