
Leadership Team clarifies congregational withdrawal process to districts

The Leadership Team of the Church of the Brethren has provided district executives with a congregational withdrawal process. This “best practices” document was developed in consultation with the Council of District Executives in keeping with current polity. It was prepared for district leaders who are working with congregations that may be considering withdrawing from the denomination.

Three special concerts to be offered at Annual Conference

The 2019 Annual Conference to be held July 3-7 in Greensboro, N.C., will feature concerts by the Blackwood Brothers Quartet, Jonathan Emmons, and Friends with the Weather. Register for the Conference and find out more about the schedule and other special events at www.brethren.org/ac .

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Compelling vision conversations at Annual Conference

As we gather in Greensboro, N.C., during Annual Conference to “Proclaim Christ, Reclaim Passion,” business sessions will feel different to Conference-goers. Worship, Bible study, and conversations designed to help us discern God’s call for us as the body of Christ will be the focus of the business agenda at the 2019 Annual Conference.

Annual Conference registration opens March 4, business schedule will focus on compelling vision

Annual Conference 2019 will be a very different event this year, according to Conference director Chris Douglas. Instead of a usual business schedule, the delegate body will spend much of its time in compelling vision conversations. Nondelegates may reserve seats at tables during the business sessions in order to fully participate in those conversations. And the Conference will hold a love feast for the first time in decades.

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Joe A. Detrick and David Sollenberger top Annual Conference ballot for 2019

The ballot to be presented to the 2019 Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren has been released. Topping the ballot are two nominees for moderator-elect: Joe A. Detrick and David Sollenberger. Other offices to be filled by election are positions on the Program and Arrangements Committee, the Mission and Ministry Board, and the boards of Bethany Seminary, Brethren Benefit Trust, and On Earth Peace. Elections will be held during the Conference on July 3-7 in Greensboro, N.C.

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Brethren are invited to spiritual preparation for visioning at Annual Conference

The Compelling Vision Process Team is inviting all Brethren to connect with a Facebook page dedicated to spiritual preparation for the visioning conversations that will happen during the 2019 Annual Conference in Greensboro, N.C. The page is titled, “COB Compelling Vision Spiritual Connection Page” and may be found at www.facebook.com/COB-Compelling-Vision-Spiritual-Connection-Page-1050919648604889 .

Compelling vision banner, 2019 Annual Conference
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