
Brethren bits for November 30, 2018

—Compelling Vision conversations continue in Church of the Brethren districts across the country. Shown here is a recent Compelling Vision gathering in Mid-Atlantic District, hosted at Manassas (Va.) Church of the Brethren (photo by Regina Holmes). A Compelling Vision Spiritual Connection page has been started on Facebook to help church members connect with the process from

Compelling Vision Gathering at Manassas Church of the Brethren

Newsline for June 18, 2008

“Celebrating the Church of the Brethren’s 300th Anniversary in 2008” “Blessed are the merciful…” (Matthew 5:7a). NEWS 1) Children’s Disaster Services helps staff CJ’s Bus. 2) New Windsor Conference Center experiences new life. 3) Brethren bits: Personnel, job opening, Annual Conference, more. UPCOMING EVENTS 4) Nigeria workcamp is announced for 2009. 300th ANNIVERSARY UPDATE 5)

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