Douglas Veal to lead Mid-Atlantic District

Douglas Veal has been called as district executive minister for the Church of the Brethren’s Mid-Atlantic District, beginning June 25. Veal is currently pastor of Wabash (Ind.) Church of the Brethren in South Central Indiana District and also has served pastorates in Southern Ohio and Kentucky District and in Virlina District.

‘Brothers and Believers’ clergymen’s Zoom gathering to be led by Gabe Dodd

The Part-Time Pastor, Full-Time Church program of the Office of Ministry invites multi-vocational clergymen, as we wrap up our Easter celebrations, to make a simple yet vital commitment for setting aside intentional time to commune with God and peers. This is offered as you begin a journey of self-recognition and support of other clergy in the Church of the Brethren.

The problem of plastics: A reflection from Creation Justice Ministries

Plastic first started being created on a global scale in the 1950s. Since then, annual plastic production has exploded to an estimated 460 million tons as of 2019. While plastic has many beneficial uses, single-use plastics have become a real environmental threat.

Save the date for a new L.E.A.D. Conference this fall

A Church of the Brethren L.E.A.D. (Listen – Equip – Adapt – Disciple) Conference is planned for Nov. 15-17, 2024, sponsored by the denomination’s Discipleship and Leadership Formation department. The event will be hosted at Ephrata (Pa.) Church of the Brethren on the scripture theme 2 Timothy 2:2.

Gifts to live on: Caring for children after the Maui fires

Judi Frost is a member of the Week of Compassion Board of Stewards and a trained and experienced CDS volunteer. She deployed to Maui after the wildfires with an early CDS team to set up a center for children to be cared for while parents who have finally found some temporary shelter begin to ponder what’s next.

Standing with People of Color Committee offers resources

Resources to facilitate learning and growth from the Church of the Brethren Standing with People of Color Committee are part of the three-year denomination-wide study/action process. Kindly read through and share within your own congregation or district.

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