
National Youth Cabinet sets theme for youth Sunday 2024

By Becky Ullom Naugle

The National Youth Cabinet met Feb. 2-4, 2024, to discern the theme for National Youth Sunday. The cabinet selected Jeremiah 29:11 as their focus scripture, with the theme “Your life; God’s direction.”

Congregations are invited to celebrate the leadership of their high school youth by participating in National Youth Sunday, with a suggested date of May 5.

Members of the cabinet include Felisha Diamond of Eden, N.C.; Sebastian Eikler of Goshen, Ind.; Nik Gameti of Naperville, Ill.; Autumn Sauder of Mount Joy, Pa.; and Calla Stoltzfus of Elizabethtown, Pa.; with adult advisor Tony Price, pastor of Cedar Grove Church of the Brethren in Ohio; and staff member Becky Ullom Naugle, director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Church of the Brethren.

Reflecting on the scripture, the cabinet shared: “Although we have this stress and anxiety in our lives, as Christians we can have peace knowing that God will provide us a future that will flourish and prosper as long as we continue to seek God and God’s perfect will for us. Join us in celebrating the leadership and faithfulness of your senior high youth on National Youth Sunday!”

Worship resources, written by the cabinet, will be made available at www.brethren.org/yya/national-youth-sunday.


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