The Church of the Brethren’s Discipleship and Leadership Formation department is sponsoring a webinar to be held Feb. 8 with Stuart Murray Williams and colleagues Alexandra Ellish, Judith Kilpin, and Karen Sethuraman centered around the forthcoming book The New Anabaptists: Practices for Emerging Communities. The book is to be released in late January.
The webinar is scheduled for Feb. 8 at 2 p.m. (Eastern time). Participants may earn 0.1 continuing education units. For further information and to register:
The New Anabaptists: Practices for Emerging Communities is a companion volume to The Naked Anabaptist and “examines the practices that flow from the core convictions and that are likely to feature in churches, communities, and initiatives inspired by the Anabaptist vision,” said an announcement. “The New Anabaptists includes stories from ministry pioneers establishing fresh gospel expressions in different contexts and neighborhoods.”
About the webinar leadership
Alexandra Ellish: South African by birth, Ellish spent her teenage years in England and then studied theology in Edinburgh and later Prague, where she was ordained as a Baptist minister. She has been engaged in urban mission and ministry since 2009 as a local church leader, Urban Expression mission partner, and coordinator. She chairs the Incarnate church planting steering group of the Anabaptist Mennonite Network. She has training in pastoral supervision and supports Baptist ministers in training. In Peckham, South London, she is also the minister of Amott Road Baptist Church.
Juliet Kilpin: A co-founder and coordinator of Peaceful Borders, a project of the Anabaptist Mennonite Network, Kilpin previously co-founded and coordinated Urban Expression, an urban mission initiative that began in 1997. She studied and taught at Spurgeon’s College and has been a Baptist minister since 1996. She is also a senior community organizer with Citizens UK, a people-powered alliance dedicated to challenging injustice and building stronger communities. She is currently chair of the European Baptist Federation’s Commission on Migration.
Karen Sethuraman: The first female Baptist minister in Ireland, Sethuraman is currently a pastor of SoulSpace, Peace and Reconciliation hub. She feels particularly called to minister outside the church walls, journeying with people who feel they don’t fit in church. She has served as chaplain to two Belfast Lord Mayors and is currently on the executive committee of the Northern Ireland Interfaith Forum. She also writes a weekly column for Belfast Media, and is part of the Ireland’s Future team.
Stuart Murray Williams: A freelance trainer and consultant, he was one of the founders of the Anabaptist Mennonite Network. He is director of the Centre for Anabaptist Studies at Bristol Baptist College and has a doctorate in Anabaptist hermeneutics. He was also one of the founders of Urban Expression, an Anabaptist-oriented urban mission agency. He is editor of the “After Christendom” series and has written books on urban mission, church planting, post-Christendom, hermeneutics, and Anabaptism, including The Naked Anabaptist.
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