Through Thick and Thin: Devotions for Ash Wednesday Through Easter, written by Beth Sollenberger, is the 2024 Lenten devotional from Brethren Press. This year, the season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on Feb. 14. The daily devotions continue through Easter Sunday, March 31.
“An important part of the Easter story is the Road to Emmaus, in Luke, when people walked and talked with Jesus and recognized the living Christ standing, striding alongside, or pausing to share supper across the table,” said an announcement.
“This devotional shares stories of God’s presence in everyday people along the journey. It invites you to identify God’s presence in the people you meet along your own journey. Enjoy these stories of how Christ’s love and grace are revealed by those who are with us through thick and thin.”
This year’s devotional includes several days’ prayers translated into a variety of languages including Gujarati, Spanish, Navajo, Swahili, Haitian Kreyol, and Hausa.
The Brethren Press devotional series is published twice a year, in the church seasons of Advent and Lent, as a pocket-sized paperback suitable for individual use and for congregations to provide to their members. The devotional costs $4.50 per copy for regular print size, or $8.95 for large print. Purchase the devotional at
Series subscribers pay only $8 a year for both Advent and Lent booklets in regular print size or $16.00 a year for both in large print. Subscriptions are renewed automatically each year at the discounted rate and bulk quantities can be adjusted with a simple call. Subscribers can cancel their enrollment in the program at any time. To sign up as a subscriber, call 800-441-3712 and ask about the seasonal devotional standing order program.
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