By Wendy McFadden
A complimentary set of Bible activity cards has just been shipped to congregations that use the Shine: Living in God’s Light curriculum.
The “Follow the Peace Path” cards are a signature part of a new initiative of Brethren Press and MennoMedia, which co-publish Shine. Through the initiative, Shine Everywhere, the two publishers are bringing together congregations and families to learn from each other and grow faith in children.
The gift to congregations is part of Shine Everywhere, which is funded by a Lilly Endowment grant.
The card set coordinates with The Peace Table, the Bible storybook for Shine, though the cards can also be used apart from The Peace Table.
The card set also coordinates with Shine’s summer unit, a new series called “Path to Peace.” The series is built around four peace paths found in The Peace Table. The first unit, “Path to Peace with Creation,” is available now from Brethren Press. New units will be added each summer through 2027.
To order, go to To learn more about Shine Everywhere, visit
— Wendy McFadden is publisher of Brethren Press and executive director of communications for the Church of the Brethren.
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