
Clergywomen are invited to save the date for next retreat in early 2025

From the Ministry Office

Planning is beginning now for the “every five years” retreat open to all licensed and credentialed clergywomen in the Church of the Brethren. Past retreats have provided beautiful opportunities to connect with sisters in ministry, find rest and renewal, and return home inspired and encouraged. Make plans now to attend!

The retreat is planned for Feb. 10-13, 2025, at San Pedro Spiritual Development Center in Winter Park, Fla.

The theme is “Love the World Like Jesus–with Courage, Care, and Healing,” inspired by Ephesians 5:2, “Walk in love as Christ loved us and gave himself for us, an offering and sacrifice to God.”

Guest speaker will be Meghan Larissa Good, lead pastor of Trinity Mennonite Church in Phoenix, Ariz., and author of Divine Gravity: Sparking a Movement to Recover a Better Christian Story.

The retreat will focus on finding courage to walk in love in a world of violence, stress, and conflict. Plenary sessions will ponder the personal formation and character of those prepared to love like Jesus, the challenge of loving our enemies or opponents, and the role of the Holy Spirit in empowering a mission of love.

Registration cost is $325 for double occupancy, $450 for single occupancy, with registration opening later this fall. The planning committee includes Barbara Avent, Tina Hunt, Britnee Linton, Pam Reist, Beth Sollenberger, and Cindy Weber. For questions, contact Nancy Sollenberger Heishman, director of the Church of the Brethren’s Ministry Office, by email at nsheishman@brethren.org.

A group photo from the last clergywomen’s retreat, held in Feb. 2020. Photo by Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford


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