
Young adults ‘do it all’

By Laura Sellers

The young adults began Annual Conference gathering together as 22 young adults (and two young at heart) to have ice cream and then travel to view fireworks for the 4th. 

Group of young adults sitting on a grassy hill.
Young adults wait for fireworks to begin in Cincinnati. Photo by Laura Sellers.

Wednesday, July 5, saw seven young adults travel to Findlay Market for lunch, where everyone was able to choose their own food, and then eat together—and of course, enjoy more ice cream! That evening, the young adults met at the Walking Roots Band concert, sitting together among the greater conference body. 

Thursday, July 6, we once again left the conference center to visit the Great American Ballpark – home of the Cincinnati Reds. We received a private tour throughout the museum, learning the history of women in baseball, minorities in baseball, the National Negro League, and where baseball is heading in the future. As a bonus, we were able to walk out on the field and sit in the dugout.

Five young adults sitting in a bench in the dugout
Young adults enjoy a trip to the Great American Ballpark. Photo courtesy of Laura Sellers.

That evening we gathered again, this time for a chance to meet moderator-elect Madalyn Metzger.  After a general getting-to-know-you session, the group asked questions on what it means to be Brethren, how one becomes moderator, and where the young adults envision the future of the church.

Friday, July 7, our last full day together saw the young adults journey to the Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Museum and then lunch at a Cincinnati original: Skyline Chili. The last evening was spent playing games and reminiscing on our week of new friendship.

In a week at Annual Conference, one can expect a few things—discussion, singing, new and old friends, and of course ice cream. Some 30 young adults have done it all this week, gathering together as the body of Christ to learn together, deepen their faith, explore Cincinnati, and make new and lasting friendships. 

People standing in line in an ice cream store
Young adults at Annual Conference 2023 wait in line to get ice cream. Photo by Laura Sellers.
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