By Tabitha Rudy
The Part-time Pastor, Full-time Church program of the Church of the Brethren’s Office of Ministry is offering two virtual events under the umbrella, “Sacred Connections: Lenten Soul Tending for Spiritual Leaders.” They will be led by one of the program’s “circuit riders,” Erin Matteson, an ordained minister and spiritual director.
Please pray… For ministers who participate in the Part-time Pastor, Full-time Church program.
Matteson extends the invitation to all ministers on Friday, March 10, and Monday, March 27, to “take a path off to the side of the wilderness walk you are making alone, with your congregation, or another community you minister to or with, this Lent to reground your spirit and reconnect with others in ministry leadership.” Attend one or both offerings which will include an hour of song and prayer, scripture and silence, images and sharing, all in the context of compassionate community. Refill your cup for going back out then to offer some of yourself further for the refilling of others.
Two different virtual sessions are offered, to help accommodate the varied schedules of ministers. The March 10 session “Listening with the Ear of the Heart; Looking with the Eyes of Faith” will feature a fusion of the prayer practices of lectio and visio divina using Matthew 16:13-20. The March 27 session “Music as a Gateway to the Sacred” will feature experiencing vibration and other short musical pieces of varied languages and styles to carry us further into the heart of God and connect us to the hearts of one another. The times for each of the two dates will be 12 noon (Eastern time) and again at 8 p.m. (Eastern time). It is hoped that ministers will set aside this brief time to be ministered to and refill as they care for others. Spanish translation will be available both time offerings on both dates.
Register by March 1. To register, use the following links:
- For March 10 at 12 noon (Eastern time) go to
- For March 10 at 8 p.m. (Eastern time) – This session has been cancelled.
- For March 27 at 12 noon (Eastern time) go to
- For March 27 at 8 p.m. (Eastern time) go to
For questions contact Erin Matteson at 209-484-5937 or
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