A silent auction will be held by the Program and Arrangements Committee at the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio, this summer.
The idea emerged during a discussion about how to intentionally contribute to the vitality of and increase traffic in the Exhibit Hall. It also offers an opportunity to raise some additional funds. Two-thirds of the proceeds will support Brethren Disaster Ministries, with the remaining one-third to offset Annual Conference expenses as the Conference continue to face challenges brought on in large part by the pandemic.
You can help!
First, contribute an item to the auction. Donations are requested in three categories:
1) Experiences: Included in this category are things like tickets to events, use of vacation homes, trips, classes, a living room concert, and so on.
Please pray… For the Program and Arrangements Committee and all who are planning and preparing for this year’s Annual Conference.
2) Gift baskets: Baskets may be assembled around a theme (perhaps a retreat or family game night), organizational “swag,” books (perhaps a recommended reading list), regional products, food, and so on. Be creative.
3) Arts and craft items: Included in this category are quality and unique hand-made items like woodworking, pottery, fabric art, paintings or drawings, and so on.
To make a contribution, go to www.brethren.org/ac2023/silentauction to submit your contact information and a description of the item you wish to contribute. Online submissions must be received by June 1. Actual items must be onsite at Annual Conference no later than 10 a.m. on Tuesday, July 4. Arrangements can be made to ship them to the Annual Conference office in advance if you are not planning to attend Annual Conference.
Second, volunteer to assist with the auction. Volunteers will be needed to staff the auction throughout Annual Conference. Volunteers will assist with receiving and staging auction items, registering bidders, and identifying/notifying winners. Anyone interested in volunteering can sign up for a shift at www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0945AFA722A4FCCF8-annual
Third, visit the auction and bid–over and over again. Once onsite at Annual Conference, attendees are encouraged to visit the silent auction to bid on your favorite items (and browse through the exhibits while you are there). Make sure to return throughout the week to see if you have the winning bid or if you need to enter a higher bid. Bidding will open at 12 noon on Tuesday, July 4, and end at 2 p.m. on Friday, July 7. Winners will be announced by 4:30 p.m. that day and will have until 7 p.m. to return to the Exhibit Hall to pay for and pick up their items.
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