Leaders at Lower Miami Church of the Brethren in Dayton, Ohio, have reached out for prayer support from the wider church following an incident directed at the congregation and its pastor. A special service will be held at the church tomorrow, Wednesday, March 1, at 5 p.m. (Eastern time), in response.
The incident included, in addition to theft of the church’s rainbow flag (which has been stolen at least eight times over the years), a statement directed to the congregation’s pastor, who is a woman.
“The person(s) who violated our church also left us another message,” said the request for support. “1 Timothy 2:12 was spray painted on the parking lot. ‘I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man, she must be quiet.’
“On this Wed., March 1 at 5:00 pm we are gathering at the church to hold a brief service and paint over the parking lot graffiti. It was felt that offering forgiveness to the perpetrator(s) was the best way we could show the love that Jesus has for all and we will pray for those involved in this act of violence toward our congregation and Pastor.
“You are also invited to join us on Wed., as a way of showing support for all women in ministry, as we know there is still much work to be done in the world and by the distortion of scripture for selfish, hateful reasons. Please hold the congregation in prayer as we deal with this violation of our ministry as well as those women in ministry at Lower Miami as we face this type of attack.”
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