By Emily Hunsberger
“Believing and Belonging: Exploring Membership and Baptism for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities” is the title of the second part of a webinar from Anabaptist Disabilities Network, set for Thursday, Nov. 9, at 7 p.m. (Eastern time).
Join ADN field associates Bonnie Miller and Denise Reesor, and executive director Jeanne Davies for a panel discussion on exploring membership with people who have intellectual disabilities. They’ll discuss inclusive classrooms or personal study with a pastor, mentor, or parent; strategies for engaging and learning; and how to use ADN’s new curriculum Believing and Belonging: An Accessible Anabaptist Membership Curriculum. Bring your experience and questions for this practical conversation.
About our panelists:
Bonnie Miller has 27 years of experience in elementary/early childhood education: 15 years in special education. She has been involved in IEP conferences as both a parent and a teacher. At both school and church, she works to make classrooms barrier-free for children with a variety of disabilities. She has advocated for disabled members in her congregation and enjoys brainstorming ways to help every child experience full inclusion with their peers.
Denise Reesor is a school psychologist at Elkhart County (Ind.) Special Education Cooperative. She has a master of Education Specialist degree from Valparaiso University. She is passionate about the inclusion and belonging of all peoples and families in the church.
Jeanne Davies serves as executive director for ADN. She has a master of divinity degree from Bethany Theological Seminary and a graduate certificate in Disability and Ministry from Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Mich. She is the author of the Believing and Belonging curriculum.
You can register for the webinar here:
— Emily Hunsberger is communications director for the Anabaptist Disabilities Network.
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