New resources offered through Brethren Press, the Church of the Brethren publishing house, include several new Bible study resources for children and adults, as well as a new Vacation Bible School curriculum for this summer, and the Lenten devotional for 2023.
Among the new titles: My Soul, My Life, My All, this year’s Lenten devotional from Brethren Press; Jesus Calls Us, the spring issue of A Guide for Biblical Studies; Life of Peter and Day of the Lord: Judgment that Restores, the latest books in Brethren Press’s Covenant Bible Studies series; and Changemakers Lab, the 2023 Vacation Bible School from the Shine curriculum that is jointly produced by Brethren Press and MennoMedia. Available to pre-order, The Peace Table: A Storybook Bible, also from Shine.
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2023 Lenten devotional
My Soul, My Life, My All is written by Liz Bidgood Enders. “We who follow Jesus are called to live in the fullness of our humanity as we seek to grow closer to God’s glory,” said a description of the devotional booklet. “In the words of hymn writer Isaac Watts, ‘Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all.’ Scripture challenges us to offer our souls in devotion, our lives in service, and our very being as we grow in love for God. The Brethren Press devotional series is published twice a year in anticipation of the Advent and Lenten seasons, designed for use by individuals as well as for congregations to provide to their members. Cost: regular print edition $4.50, large print edition $8.95, digital edition $4.50.
Please pray… For the publishing ministry of Brethren Press and all those who use these resources for study and prayer.
2023 Spring Guide for Biblical Studies
Jesus Calls Us is written by Frank Ramirez. A Guide for Biblical Studies is the Brethren Press Bible study curriculum for adults, suitable for Sunday school classes and other small groups. The biblical thread of this spring quarter connects Jesus’ ministry on earth–as exhibited in passages from all four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John–to the birth of the church following Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension as seen in passages from the book of Acts. Costs: regular print edition $7.95, large print edition $10.95.
Coming for the summer quarter of Guide: The Righteous Reign of God written by David Shumate.
Brethren Press’s Covenant Bible Studies series
Life of Peter is written by Joel Kline. The long-running Covenant Bible Studies series from Brethren Press is designed for use by adult Sunday school classes and small groups. “If you were asked to name the early disciples of Jesus, Peter would likely be near the top of your list, so central a role does he play in the story of Jesus,” said a description. “In the Gospel accounts, he is an intriguing mixture of fear and courage, affirmation and denial, conviction and doubt, impulsiveness and resolution. This study examines the life and faith of the apostle Peter, with all his human frailties as well as his strengths, to see what we can learn about the journey of Christian discipleship.” Cost: $11.99 internet price.
Day of the Lord: Judgment that Restores is written by David Valeta. “Christ returning one day to judge the living and the dead has been a belief of Christians throughout the ages,” said an announcement. “More recent interpretations of biblical texts on this topic have reinforced a rather dark picture of our planet’s future, where the fires of judgment will destroy the heavens and the earth on the day of the Lord. Despite this predominate way of interpreting the biblical witness, there are alternative ways of envisioning the judgment of God and the return of Christ. In this study, we will explore apocalyptic scriptures through a hopeful lens, so that we may better understand these difficult teachings and how the future redemption of humanity and this earth may be less violent than commonly understood.” Cost: $11.99 internet price.
2023 Vacation Bible School
Changemakers Lab is an interactive Vacation Bible School curriculum from Shine, “where children learn that everyone can make a difference in the world!” said an announcement from Brethren Press. “The five Bible stories in this curriculum explore examples of people who experienced and brought about change in the world around them. These people provide a model for asking hard questions, working together to solve problems, reaching across differences, caring for all people, and imagining a new world. Through worship and drama, Bible study, STEAM activities (science, technology, engineering, art, math), and active games, children are invited to see and experience the transforming love of God. Grounded in God’s love, children can use their unique gifts to make a difference wherever they go!” View samples at Save 10 percent on the Changemakers Lab VBS starter kit through March 1.
The Peace Table: A Storybook Bible
This new Bible storybook from Shine is available to pre-order now, with a special early order offer from Brethren Press: order by June 1 and receive 25 percent off the list price (discount applied at checkout). Cost: $32.99 list price for this hardcover book, size 8 inches by 10 inches, 352 pages, full-color illustrations. Publication date is July 1.
“Pull up a seat at ‘The Peace Table,’ where everyone belongs!” said an announcement. “This comprehensive storybook includes biblically faithful retellings of 140 Bible stories. Stunning artwork from 30 illustrators makes this a feast for the eyes. Along with each Bible story, there are prayer prompts, questions, and action ideas to guide reflection and conversation. Twelve “Peace Paths” allow children to “choose their own adventure” through the book, exploring how peace themes are woven throughout the Old and New Testaments. A resource section includes ideas for how to experience peace with God, self, others, and creation, as well as maps, Bible background information, interactive ways to pray, and prayers for many occasions. The Peace Table is an excellent resource for families and faith communities who want their children to love Jesus, grow in faith, and become peacemakers who change the world!”
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