Following are upcoming courses from the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership, a ministry training partnership of the Church of the Brethren’s Office of Ministry and Bethany Theological Seminary. Several courses are offered in English, with other courses offered in Spanish:
Upcoming English-language courses
“Defining Set-Apart Ministry within the Multivocational Reality,” Sept. 6-Oct. 31, instructor: Sandra Jenkins, online, eight weeks, description: “This course will explore the set-apart ministry within the multivocational context, including the rewards and challenges for both pastor and congregation. Topics include the multivocational ministry of the Apostle Paul and an investigation of 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus. Students in this course will also learn how time management, leader motivation, and an understanding of mission are all-important skills for multivocational ministry,” registration deadline: Aug. 2

Please pray… For the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership, its staff and instructors, and all the students who participate in courses.
“Introduction to Hebrew Scriptures,” Oct. 11-Dec. 5, instructor: Matt Boersma, online, eight weeks, description: “While the Church of the Brethren has long held the New Testament as its focus, the Old Testament or Hebrew Bible is the basis of much of the New Testament’s faith. This course, taught by Hebrew scholar Matt Boersma, will work through the various books of the Hebrew Bible and look at their ancient context, their influence on the New Testament, and modern theories about these texts,” registration deadline: Sept. 6
“Church of the Brethren History,” online, offered through the Susquehanna Valley Ministry Center (SVMC), Sept. 11-Nov. 5, instructor: Craig Gandy, credit: BHT, FCR, registration deadline: Aug. 7, to register contact Karen Hodges at
“Introduction to Pastoral Care,” onsite at Bethany Seminary in Richmond, Ind., Jan. 16-19, 2024, instructor: Debbie Eisenbise, credit: MS, FCR, registration deadline: Dec. 5
“Church History 2,” online, Jan. 24-March 19, 2024, instructor: Josh Brockway, credit: BHT, FCR, registration deadline: Dec. 19
“Church of the Brethren Polity,” Zoom intensive, March 22-23 and April 26-27, 2024, instructor: Randy Yoder, credit: BHT, FCR, registration deadline: Feb. 16, 2024; offered through the Susquehanna Valley Ministry Center (SVMC), to register contact Karen Hodges at
“Embracing Diversity, Facing Division,” hybrid onsite at Bethany Seminary and on Zoom, April 11-13, 2024, instructor: Russell Haitch, credit: BHT, registration deadline: March 7, 2024
Courses are for continuing education (2 continuing education units), personal enrichment, or TRIM/EFSM credit. Register and pay for courses online at or contact or 765-983-1824.
Cursos en Español de la Academia de los Hermanos
Todos los cursos están disponibles para recibir crédito SeBAH-COB. Algunos cursos también pueden estar disponibles para educación continua (2 CEU). Para solicitar más información o un formulario de inscripción para un curso, comunicarse con la oficina de la Brethren Academy en Los cursos se ofrecen en asociación con la Agencia de Educación Menonita, la Oficina de Educación de Liderazgo y Pastoral Hispana.
“Teología del Ministerio Pastoral,” en línea, Julio a Septiembre, instructor: Marcos Acosto, MEA, fecha límite de inscripción: 21 de junio de 2023
“Teoria y Práctica del Liderazgo Pastoral,” en línea, Octubre a Diciembre, instructor: Patricia Urueña, MEA, fecha límite de inscripción: 4 de Septiembre de 2023
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