
Brethren Disaster Ministries monitors needs as California experiences extreme weather

By Roy Winter and Jenn Dorsch-Messler

Brethren Disaster Ministries staff are monitoring the re-occurring storms and flooding in California and their damage, and sending prayers for those who are affected. The staff have reached out to leadership of Pacific Southwest District and received word that they have not heard from any Church of the Brethren congregations experiencing issues, either for their church buildings or their members.

Children’s Disaster Services (CDS) has been staying in communication with the Red Cross and is expecting to deploy volunteer teams to care for children over the weekend. The Red Cross and California state officials have requested CDS assistance to support families affected by the storms and flooding. Additional updates will be shared on the CDS Facebook page as volunteer teams deploy to serve.

Please send your prayers and support for the families impacted by these reoccurring storms and floods.

Financial support for the CDS teams and other responses to the California storms and flooding is received by the Emergency Disaster Fund at https://churchofthebrethren.givingfuel.com/bdm.

— Roy Winter is executive director of Service Ministries for the Church of the Brethren. Jenn Dorsch-Messler is director of Brethren Disaster Ministries.


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