2023 Annual Conference updates posted July 6
Follow news as it is posted and see the latest photos on the Annual Conference 2023 news coverage page.
New project, fellowship, and congregation recognized
Spanish-Speaking Brethren Leaders Luncheon abounds in worship
New Business Item #6, a resolution of lament and for action, passed
Bethany Theological Seminary offers a BOLD lunch
Post-conference fellowship opportunity
Photo albums
Find photo albums from Cincinnati at www.brethren.org/photos/annual-conference-2023. New albums appear regularly!
Thursday worship
Quotes from Deanna Brown, preacher, on the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10
“Four words. Ordinary words. And they can be extraordinary words. From verse 33: ‘The Samaritan came near.’ …when the Samaritan went near something else happened. The Samaritan’s heart responded with mercy.”
“In John 20 Jesus told Thomas to draw near, to touch his hands, his sides, his scars.”
“Sometimes when I look at the Church of the Brethren, I am moved by how we as a people go near to many.”
“And sometimes I’m aware it is much easier for us as a body to go near the wounds of those far away than to move closer to the ones in our midst.”
Don’t forget, you can watch worship online from wherever you are!
Annual Conference by the numbers
In-person attendance as of 5 p.m. on July 6
Delegates – 441
Non-delegates – 942
Total – 1,383
Virtual attendance at worship on July 6 included:
- 260 peak live viewers for English worship stream
- 24 live on YouTube
- 43 live on Facebook
- 2 live on the Spanish worship stream (there was a technical issue early on)
Thursday’s offering for Found House totaled $11,761.
This amount includes checks made out to the Church of the Brethren, checks made out to Found House, and gift cards (Kroger, Meijer, Target, and Wal-Mart).
Totals for online giving as of 8 p.m. on July 6:
- Donations to Found House went directly to the organization
- $600 for Wednesday’s offering
- $360 for Tuesday’s offering
- $250 to support Annual Conference webcasting
Number of consecutive Annual Conferences attended by Fred Swartz from Bridgewater, Va.: 61. Swartz served as the Annual Conference Secretary for 10 of those years.
Number of podcasts recorded at 2023 Annual Conference: 2
Dunker Punks and 2 Preachers Talking both recorded episodes.
The Annual Conference press team includes photographers Glenn Riegel, Donna Parcell, Keith Hollenberg, and Laura Sellers; writers Frances Townsend, Frank Ramirez, Karen Garrett, Wendy McFadden, and Walt Wiltschek; website staff Jan Fischer Bachman and Russ Otto. Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, director of News Services for the Church of the Brethren, was not able to attend conference because of illness. Newsline is the email news service of the Church of the Brethren. Inclusion in Newsline does not necessarily convey endorsement by the Church of the Brethren. All submissions are subject to editing. Newsline stories may be reprinted if Newsline is cited as the source. Please send news tips and submissions to cobnews@brethren.org . Find the Newsline archive at www.brethren.org/news . Sign up for Newsline and other Church of the Brethren email newsletters and make subscription changes at www.brethren.org/intouch . Unsubscribe by using the link at the top of any Newsline email.