The Standing Committee of delegates from the 24 Church of the Brethren districts met in Cincinnati, Ohio, July 2-4. It was presided over by Conference moderator Tim McElwee, moderator-elect Madalyn Metzger, and secretary David Shumate.
One of the primary functions of Standing Committee is to make recommendations on the business items and queries coming to Annual Conference.
Unfinished Business
UB 1. Query – Standing with People of Color
Standing Committee received the interim report of the Standing with People of Color Committee.
Standing Committee recommends to the Annual Conference to extend the term of the assignment of the Standing with People of Color committee by one additional year to 2025.
This item will require a simple majority vote.
UB 2. Query – Breaking Down Barriers – Increasing Access to Denominational Events
Standing Committee received the interim report of the Breaking Down Barriers – Increasing Access to Denominational Events Committee.
New Business
NB 1. Request for an Annual Conference Study on Calling Denominational Leadership
Standing Committee recommends that Annual Conference accept the concerns of New Business #1 ‘Request for an Annual Conference Study on Calling Denominational Leadership’ and elect three people to form the study committee. We encourage the committee to consult with current members of the Nominating Committee and others who have had experience with the nomination process.
Standing Committee has determined that this item will require a simple majority vote.
NB 2. Recommendation Regarding Nominations from the Floor of Annual Conference
Standing Committee recommends to the 2023 Annual Conference delegate body that the proposed change in Conference Rule #12 concerning nominations from the floor be adopted.
Standing Committee has determined that this item will require a two-thirds vote because it is a change in polity.
NB 3. 2023 Guidelines for Continuing Education
Standing Committee recommends to the 2023 Annual Conference delegate body that the proposed 2023 Guidelines for Continuing Education be adopted.
Standing Committee has determined that this item will require a two-thirds vote because it is a change in polity.
NB 4. Restated and Amended Articles of Organization for Eder Financial
Standing Committee recommends to the 2023 Annual Conference delegate body that the proposed Restated and Amended Articles of Organization for Eder Financial be adopted.
Standing Committee has determined that this item will require a two-thirds vote because it is a change in polity.
The following item has been changed from the text in the Annual Conference booklet:
Line 12 on Page 175 has been amended to replace “of” with “requesting.”
This line will now read: “live presentation during the annual business meeting requesting no less than 20 minutes,”
NB 5. Recommended Cost of Living Adjustment to the Minimum Cash Salary Table for Pastors
Standing Committee recommends to the 2023 Annual Conference delegate body that the Recommended Cost of Living Adjustment to the Minimum Cash Salary Table for Pastors be adopted.
Standing Committee has determined that this item will require a simple majority vote.
The following item has been changed from the text in the Annual Conference booklet:
Lines 13-15 on Page 177 has been amended to add 5.3% in the ____ space provided.
These three lines now read as follows:
“The Pastoral Compensation and Benefits Advisory Committee recommends a 5.3% cost of living increase to the approved Minimum Cash Salary Table for Pastors.”
NB 6. With Actions and in Truth: A Lament of the Doctrine of Discovery
Standing Committee recommends to the 2023 Annual Conference delegate body that the Resolution – With Actions and in Truth: A Lament of the Doctrine of Discovery be adopted.
Standing Committee has determined that this item will require a simple majority vote.
The following items have been changed from the text in the Annual Conference booklet:
The title of NB 6 was modified with the addition of “Resolution.”
The title now reads “NB 6: Resolution – With Actions and in Truth: A Lament of the Doctrine of Discovery”
Line 29 on Page 181 was amended to replace “land” with “some form of.”
Lines 27-30 on Page 181 now read as follows:
“That the Church of the Brethren consult with Indigenous organizations and tribes to develop a process for congregations, districts, and the denomination to consider some form of reparation following the leadership of Native nations or organizations”

Internal Standing Committee Business
Standing Committee also named members to various committees, updated the Standing Committee Manual, approved a short service of confession and repentance, and approved a review of the Special Response Process.
Nominating Committee
This committee solicits nominations for denominational offices and prepares the ballot for consideration by the Standing Committee and Annual Conference.
Members serving through AC 2024: Rick Davis (Atlantic Southeast), Becky Maurer – Chair (Southern Ohio/Kentucky), Dawn Baldwin (Northern Ohio), Bobbi Dykema (Illinois-Wisconsin)
Members serving through AC 2025: Dean Feasenhiser (Idaho/Western Montana), Timothy Hollenberg-Duffey (Mid-Atlantic), Cathy Huffman (Virlina), Rebecca Zeek(Middle Pennsylvania)
Appeals Committee (serves through the 2024 Annual Conference)
This committee processes appeals from individuals and congregations that come before Standing Committee.
Carolyn Dean (Middle Pennsylvania)
Aaron Gross (South/Central Indiana),
Ed Woodard (Virlina)
1st Alternate – Craig Stutzman (Mid-Atlantic)
2nd Alternate – Vacant
Program Feasibility Committee
Harriet Hamer (Northern Indiana) 2023-2027
Two-Thirds Committee (serves until the 2024 Annual Conference)
This committee determines what items of business require a 2/3 vote of the delegate body.
Ronald D. Beachley (Western Pennsylvania)
Cathy S. Huffman (Virlina)
Becky Maurer (Southern Ohio/Kentucky)
Reports Received from the Following Committees or Sub-Committees
Agency Covenant Sub-Committee
Nominating Committee
Organizational Structure Sub-Committee
Process for Addressing Concerns with Annual Conference Agencies Sub-Committee
Program and Arrangements Committee
Receiving and Implementing Annual Conference Statements Sub-Committee
Two-Thirds Committee
Consultations with Denominational Leadership
Bethany Theological Seminary Leadership
Council of District Executives
Eder Financial Leadership
Leadership Team Report
Mission and Ministry Board Leadership
On Earth Peace Leadership
Addition to the Standing Committee Manual for 2023-2024
The Standing Committee approved the inclusion of “Polity, Position, Policy and Practice” in the next revision of the Standing Committee Manual. The text of this document may be found on Page 62 of the 2023 Annual Conference booklet.
Approval of the Service of Confession and Repentance
The Standing Committee adopted the final version of the “Service of Confession and Repentance.” This short service along with the context of its development is found in the delegate packet.
Review of the 2014 Revision, Special Response Process
The Standing Committee approved review of the 2014 Revision to the Special Response Process of “A Structural Framework for Dealing with Strongly Controversial Issues” on the 2024 Standing Committee Agenda.