
Shipment from Brethren Service Center sends relief to Ukraine

“This shipment has been in the works for quite a while but FINALLY is on its way,” reported Loretta Wolf, director of Material Resources for the Church of the Brethren.

The Material Resources staff work out of the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md., to collect, warehouse, and ship relief goods for a number of ecumenical and humanitarian partner organizations.

The Material Resources staff most recently have been working on a Lutheran World Relief shipment to respond to the Ukraine situation, Wolf said. “We loaded five trailers with donated items…to fly from Dulles Airport to Poland and to Ukraine.”

The shipment consisted of approximately 9,600 quilts, 4,160 school kits, 18,500 personal care kits, 4,080 baby care kits, and 21,330 pounds of soap. It is to arrive this week.

Find out more about the work and ministry of Material Resources at www.brethren.org/brethrenservicecenter.


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