Killings, kidnapping, and ransacking of communities continue across Nigeria, according to a recent update from Zakariya Musa, head of media for Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN, the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria). EYN president Joel S. Billi recently warned members that “no inch is secured” in the country.
The wife of Bitrus Tabghi, pastor of EYN Fombina in Vinikilang, Yola, was kidnapped July 30. She was released Aug. 2 after a ransom was paid. Presently she is undergoing medical checks at the hospital according to Bulus Tari, the EYN district secretary for Viniklang, Jimeta Yola, Adamawa State.
In another development, four people kidnapped on their farms at Butirhuya, in the Hong area of Adamawa State, have also gained their freedom after two days in the hands of their abductors. Three women and one man were set free after their relatives paid ransom. These four now have been displaced from their ancestral communities and are searching for where to restore life and livelihood in strange communities with available land.
Another EYN pastor received a threatening letter from unknown criminal elements, demanding money or he would be kidnapped.
The violence has become rampant across the country, even reaching the Federal Capital Territory, which includes Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria.
EYN leadership has decried the violence and protested to the federal government. They also recently announced that EYN as a church has no business in negotiating for ransom.
“Ours is to stand firm and pray,” wrote Yuguda Z. Mdurvwa, director of EYN’s Disaster Relief Ministry.
Musa requested that the US church “continue praying for Nigeria as it approaches elections into state and federal positions including the number one seat,” adding, “We pray good will continue strengthening your ability to His glory.”
Zakariya Musa, EYN head of media, and Yuguda Z.Mdurvwa, director of EYN’s Disaster Relief Ministry, provided information for this update.