New officers of the Church of the Brethren have been elected by the 2022 Annual Conference in Omaha, Neb.
Madalyn Metzger of Goshen City (Ind.) Church of the Brethren in Northern Indiana District will serve as Annual Conference moderator-elect. She will serve as moderator for the 2024 Annual Conference.
David K. Shumate of Daleville (Va.) Church of the Brethren in Virlina District will serve as Conference secretary, for a five-year term.
Metzger is vice president of marketing for Everence Financial. At the denominational level in the Church of the Brethren, she has served on the Intercultural Ministries advisory committee, has chaired the board of On Earth Peace, and has been an insight session presenter and delegate at Annual Conference. On the district level, she has been a presenter at district conferences and has done pulpit supply. In her congregation, she has been social media minister and media spokesperson and served terms as chair of the board, chair of the outreach committee, co-leader of the constitution and bylaws committee, and on the goals development committee. Additional leadership positions have included service as a trustee for Manchester University in North Manchester, Ind., work as adjunct faculty for Eastern Mennonite University and for a Collaborative MBA Program, and participation on the worship planning committee and as a worship leader for the Mennonite Church USA convention. She has provided executive leadership in diversity, equity, and inclusion strategy development, implementation, training, and dialogues for a number of church-related institutions.
Shumate retires at the end of this year as executive minister of Virlina District, after some 30 years in the position. His denominational leadership has included a term as moderator of Annual Conference and service on numerous committees including the Pastoral Compensation and Benefits Advisory Committee, Conference study committees including the Review and Evaluation Committee, the Ministry Advisory Council, the New Church Development Advisory Committee, and the Council of District Executives where he served terms as chair and treasurer. On the district and regional level, he has been president and treasurer of the Virginia Council of Churches, a district board vice chair and secretary, and served on a commission on ministry. He has been a pastor in the Church of the Brethren. His intercultural work has included work with Igreja da Irmandade-Brasil (the Church of the Brethren in Brazil) and he has assisted in planting three Hispanic congregations in Virlina District.
Additional election results
Annual Conference Program and Arrangements Committee: Jacob Crouse of the Washington City Church, Mid-Atlantic District
Pastoral Compensation and Benefits Advisory Committee: Angela Finet of the Mountville Church, Atlantic Northeast District
Mission and Ministry Board – Area 1: Joel Gibbel of York First Church, Southern Pennsylvania District; Area 2: Rosanna Eller McFadden of the Creekside Church, Northern Indiana District
Bethany Theological Seminary Board of Trustees – representing the Brethren colleges: Jonathan Paul Frye of the Monitor Church, Western Plains District; representing clergy: Laura Stone of the Manchester Church, South/Central Indiana District
Eder Financial Board (formerly Brethren Benefit Trust): Kevin R. Boyer of the Plymouth Church, Northern Indiana District
On Earth Peace Board: Doug Richard of the Buffalo Valley Church, Southern Pennsylvania District
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