The Church of the Brethren’s Mid-Atlantic District has called an interim district executive minister team of four people to care for the duties of the district executive minister role, beginning immediately.
The team includes
— Kim McDowell, head of the team, in a regional district executive minister role, and official representative to the Council of District Executives on behalf of the district. McDowell is an ordained minister, recently retired as pastor of the congregation in University Park, Md. She has served in various roles in the denomination, most recently as the district’s Standing Committee member and chair of the Nominating Committee.
— Joe Detrick in a regional district executive minister role. He is a retired pastor, a former district executive minister who also has served as an interim district executive minister, and a former interim director of the Church of the Brethren’s Office of Ministry.
— Eddie Edmonds in a regional district executive minister role. He is a retired pastor with experience serving on various district and denominational boards, currently serving as a volunteer hospital chaplain.
— Gretchen Zience as volunteer administrative support to the team, and as team liaison to district administrative assistant Jo Ann Landon. Zience is a retired US government contractor who has served in various district leadership roles.
The team will care for the various responsibilities of the district executive minister position in a regionally based format, with congregations assigned to the three ministers. Landon continues in her role as administrative assistant for the district.