By Jen Jensen
Part-Time Pastor; Full-Time Church is making the May webinars on clergy burnout and “the great resignation” available to view, share, and download.
Part-Time Pastor; Full-Time Church is a program of the Church of the Brethren Office of Ministry that supports, resources, and advocates for part-time, multivocational, and not-paid-to-scale pastors.

In the first webinar, Melissa Florer-Bixler shares about an article she wrote for Sojourners called “Why Pastors Are Joining the Great Resignation,” speaking with truth, grace, and hope. She remains profoundly hopeful about the church even in the face of the clergy shortage and people dropping out of pews. Her confidence remains in the gospel of Jesus Christ as she proclaims that pastors continue to be called and loved. Florer-Bixler believes pastoral ministry is helping people pay attention in the world, and it is the small but faithful moments that will buoy congregational life as they bear witness.
The second webinar is a conversation with Peter Chin about his article written for Christianity Today titled “Why I’ve Reached my Breaking Point as a Pastor.” Chin speaks openly and honestly about current clergy burnout statistics, making clear he thought it was just him yet now realizing he is not alone. Believing the burnout is bigger and broader culturally, Chin makes the case that the Bible offers the best stories of overcoming difficulty. There is hope in God’s steadfast love, “chesed,” that is the unbreaking and safe foundation for all, no matter what happens. Chin reflects on interpersonal action, interconnectedness, and how we can journey together through difficult times in ministry. In the Q&A at the end of the webinar, Chin proclaims the most successful places of ministry are “small communities doing love well.”
The webinars are at
— Jen Jensen is program manager for Part-Time Pastor; Full-Time Church. For questions, contact her at
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