
Mission Advancement office makes change in gift acknowledgment and receipt process

By Traci Rabenstein

Over the past few years, the Office of Mission Advancement and the Finance Office of the Church of the Brethren have been reviewing the process of acknowledging and receipting gifts made in support of all of our Core Ministries and independently-funded ministries. (Learn more about our ministries at www.brethren.org/greatthings.)

Our long-standing process has been to send a combined acknowledgment letter and receipt for every contribution received from an individual, couple, congregation, or organization (excluding gifts made online that each receive an acknowledgment and receipt by email when a gift is submitted).

Our new process, however, will be to send an acknowledgment postcard for each check or cash contribution received by mail, but not a receipt. Instead, we will send a year-end giving statement that will list all contributions made (by mail or online) during the calendar year. This change will allow the Office of Mission Advancement to acknowledge gifts more quickly than our current process and provide our team with an additional way to connect with all supporters.

A postcard that will be sent to acknowledge gifts received to the Church of the Brethren

This new process began Jan. 1, 2022. If you have any questions about this change, please feel free to contact me at 717-877-3166 or trabenstein@brethren.org.

— Traci Rabenstein is director of Mission Advancement for the Church of the Brethren.


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