
Brethren Faith in Action round up for 2021

By Stan Dueck

Here is the funding summary for Brethren Faith in Action (BFIA) grants in 2021. The total amount granted was $80,870.89; 20 of 26 applications were approved for grants; 15 congregations and 5 camps received funds. Five of the six non-funded applicants did not provide the additional information requested by the BFIA Committee to complete the review process.

The grant recipients represent these 12 districts in the Church of the Brethren:

  1. Atlantic Northeast
  2. Atlantic Southeast
  3. South/Central Indiana
  4. Michigan
  5. Mid-Atlantic District
  6. Northern Ohio
  7. Southern Ohio and Kentucky
  8. Pacific Northwest
  9. Pacific Southwest
  10. Northern Plains
  11. Western Plains
  12. Virlina

— Stan Dueck is co-coordinator of Discipleship Ministries for the Church of the Brethren. Find out more about the Brethren Faith in Action Fund at www.brethren.org/faith-in-action.


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