
Mission and Ministry Board holds fall meeting this weekend

The Church of the Brethren’s Mission and Ministry Board holds its fall meeting this weekend as a hybrid event with the in-person events at the Church of the Brethren General Offices in Elgin, Ill. Executive Committee meetings and board member orientation begin Friday, Oct. 15. The full board meets Saturday, Oct. 16, and Sunday morning, Oct. 17.

This will be the first meeting led by new board chair Carl Fike, who has served previously as chair-elect. He will be assisted by the new chair-elect, Colin Scott, and general secretary David Steele. Joining them on the Executive Committee are board members Lauren Seganos Cohen, Dava Hensley, and Roger Schrock, and Annual Conference moderator David Sollenberger as ex-officio.

The board’s agenda for the weekend includes a financial update for 2021, a proposed 2022 budget for denominational ministries, a recommendation concerning Brethren Press, proposed changes to the denomination’s bylaws, and the calling of a new Stewardship of Properties Committee, among numerous reports and ministry updates. Chris Douglas will be recognized for her service, as she retires as director of the Annual Conference office. Bethany Seminary faculty member Dan Ulrich will lead a board development training on “New Testament Models of Giving.”

As at every meeting of the Mission and Ministry Board, the weekend will be marked by times of worship and prayer. A class of students from Bethany Seminary will lead the board in worship on Sunday morning.

Find the schedule and agenda for the meeting with a full listing of board members and ex-officio members as well as accompanying documents and video reports at www.brethren.org/mmb/meeting-info. Also on this webpage is a link to register to observe the meeting via Zoom.


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