New resources from Brethren Press include the 2021 Advent devotional booklet, this year titled Do Not Be Afraid and written by Angela Finet. Also new from the Church of the Brethren publishing house is Hoosier Prophet: Selected Writings of Dan West, a collection of the writings of the founder of Heifer Project, now Heifer International. Now available to pre-order is a new children’s book about the ministry of Children’s Disaster Services, titled Maria’s Kit of Comfort.
Advent devotional
In the Gospel of Luke, angels proclaimed, “Do not be afraid,” to Zechariah, Mary, and the shepherds keeping watch over their flocks by night. This Advent devotional by Angela Finet, pastor of Mountville (Pa.) Church of the Brethren, revisits the timeless texts and the words that envelope the holy story of Advent to reassure us in times of anxiety and darkness. Emmanuel, God with us.
Individuals and congregations may order by Sept. 28 to receive a discounted price of $4 per copy. Go to
Seasonal subscribers to the devotional series published twice a year in anticipation of Advent and Lent receive the promotional price with no ordering deadlines, spending only $8 a year for both regular-print booklets or $15.90 a year for large print. Subscriptions are renewed automatically each year at the discounted rate, congregations may adjust bulk quantity orders at any time, and subscribers can cancel their enrollment at any time. Call 800-441-3712 and ask about the seasonal devotional standing order program.
Hoosier Prophet
Two former denominational staff–William Kostlevy, recently retired as director of the Brethren Historical Library and Archives, and Jay Wittmeyer, former executive of Global Mission and Service for the Church of the Brethren–present a selection of the writings of Dan West, who was a prolific writer of essays, letters, and speeches.
In addition to being known as the Heifer founder, West was one of the principal architects of mid-twentieth-century Brethren identity. As found in these writings, his witness extends across time and challenges us today. The book offers a glimpse of his prophetic vision for Brethren and for the world, inviting all to a life of peacemaking, living simply, and caring for the least of these, or “the little people,” in his words.
The book includes a foreword by Denise Kettering-Lane, associate professor of Brethren Studies at Bethany Theological Seminary.
$18.99. Order online at
Maria’s Kit of Comfort
Written by Kathy Fry-Miller, a former associate director of Children’s Disaster Services (CDS), with co-author David Doudt and illustrator Kate Cosgrove, this children’s story tells about the Kit of Comfort, “a childcare center in a suitcase.” The Kit of Comfort suitcase assists CDS volunteers in caring for children who have experienced trauma following disasters such as floods, hurricanes, wildfires, or tornadoes. Volunteer teams arrive at disaster sites with a Kit of Comfort full of carefully selected toys and craft supplies that promote healing through creative, expressive play.
Since 1980, CDS has been meeting the needs of children by setting up play spaces in shelters and assistance centers across the country. CDS is a program of Brethren Disaster Ministries.
Internet price $15.20. Order online at
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