
Susquehanna Valley Ministry Center to postpone or hold fall events virtually

Susquehanna Valley Ministry Center (SVMC) has announced that its continuing education events this fall will be postponed or held virtually via Zoom. SVMC is a Church of the Brethren ministry education partner with Bethany Seminary, the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership, and the districts of Atlantic Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Middle Pennsylvania, Southern Pennsylvania, and Western Pennsylvania.

“The pandemic continues to push us to be as wise as possible in our health management and interactions with others,” said executive director Donna Rhodes in the announcement. The decision was made “due to the unknown of the next several months, and the fact that both Elizabethtown and Juniata Colleges [in Pennsylvania] have closed their campuses to outside visitors,” she wrote.

The following events will be held via Zoom:

“Stories of Transformation in Luke-Acts and their Expression in Narrative Art” takes place Oct. 5 led by Chris Bucher and Bob Neff. Register at http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07eh8wrlyda3582656&llr=adn4trzab .

“Science Fiction and Theology: Connections with Culture” takes place Nov. 11 led by Steve Schweitzer. Register at http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07eh91k6draa07afe2&llr=adn4trzab&showPage=true .

The following events are postponed, with registration information to be shared at a later time:

“Binocular Vision: Seeing Through the Eyes of Faith and Science,” rescheduled date yet to be determined.

“Pastoral Care and Crisis, Part 3″ is rescheduled to March 27, 2021, at Huntsdale Church of the Brethren. This event will include parts 3 and 4.

“Neurocognitive Disorders: Supporting Parishioners through the Journey” is rescheduled to May 10, 2021, at Cross Keys Village in New Oxford, Pa.

“Kingdom Building in Worship” is rescheduled to Oct. 30, 2021, at Stone Church of the Brethren in Huntingdon, Pa.

For more information see www.etown.edu/svmc or contact 717-361-1450 or svmc@etown.edu .

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