“Who Still Cares about Climate Change? Pastoral Responses to Denial and Despair” is the title of a weekly virtual seminar, beginning in mid-October, co-sponsored by the Climate Justice Task Team of the Southern Ohio and Kentucky District of the Church of the Brethren.
Doug Kaufman of the Center for Sustainable Climate Solutions and Mark Lancaster of Bethany Theological Seminary are collaborating to bring Brethren and Mennonites in Ohio and the Midwest to engage with climate change, said an announcement. Sibonokuhle Ncube, former director of Compassionate Development Services of the Brethren in Christ Church of Zimbabwe, is one of several speakers.
Session topics are:
— “Why don’t we care more?” on Oct. 15,
— “Ohio’s Climate Impact and Responses” on Oct. 22,
— “Climate Justice in Global South and Climate Racism” on Oct. 29,
— “Congregations and Climate Change Activism” on Nov. 5, and
— “Finding Hope in the Midst of Climate Tragedy” on Nov. 12.
Registration is at www.sodcob.org/_forms/view/38712 . Ordained ministers in the Church of the Brethren may receive 0.1 continuing education unit per session. A recommended donation of $5 per session will be used as seed money for a project to be determined as it arises from the meetings.
Said the announcement: “If this retreat reaches its target of 40 persons in attendance across 5 sessions, that would be $1,000 to kickstart a project for SOKD to take action for sustainable climate solutions!”
For questions contact the Southern Ohio and Kentucky District office at www.sodcob.org .
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