
Moderator’s Town Hall featuring Mark Devries is planned for Nov. 19

Mark DeVries

Annual Conference moderator Paul Mundey has announced plans for the next Moderator’s Town Hall on Thursday, Nov. 19, at 7 p.m. (Eastern time). The featured resource person will be Mark DeVries, founder and president of Ministry Architects, a nationally acclaimed church resourcing organization. “Innovative Ideas for a Hard Season” will be the focus.

Multiple factors press in on churches and their members during this difficult time. As a result, it is easy to become immobilized by the gravity of weighty issues and emotions. This event will share practical ideas for flourishing in a hard season, and for being adaptable and innovative despite the challenges. The event is applicable to clergy, laity, and congregations.

DeVries is a graduate of Baylor University and Princeton Theological Seminary. From 1986-2014, he was associate pastor for youth and their families at First Presbyterian Church in Nashville, Tenn. In addition to Ministry Architects, he has founded or co-founded Ministry Incubators, the Center for Youth Ministry, and Justice Industries. Since he began as a part-time consultant, he has worked with more than 1,000 congregations. He is the author of several books including Family-Based Youth Ministry, Sustainable Youth Ministry, and The Indispensable Youth Pastor (with Jeff Dunn-Rankin).

Register at tinyurl.com/modtownhallnov2020. The event is limited to the first 500 registrants. Questions can be emailed to cobmoderatorstownhall@gmail.com.

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