
Intercultural Ministries conversation with Mungi Ngomane is a success

“Everyday Ubuntu” author Mungi Ngomane

By LaDonna Sanders Nkosi

Recently, Intercultural Ministries hosted #ConversationsTogether with Mungi Ngomane, author of “Everyday Ubuntu: Living Better Together the African Way.” The online event was a success, wtih 46 participants from churches and districts across the US sharing in conversation.

Ngomane is the grand-daughter of Nobel Peace Prize winner Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu. She spoke with the group sharing lessons from the African principle of Ubuntu, speaking specifically on the chapter, “Have Dignity and Respect for Yourself and Others.” (A note with her full biography follows this article.)

Watch a replay video of the event on the Church of the Brethren Intercultural Ministries Facebook page at www.facebook.com/372303020689/posts/10158113223900690 .

A group will continue to share in #ConversationsTogether in a weekly book discussion through July.

Nompumelelo (Mungi) Ngomane is the author of “Everyday Ubuntu: Living Better Together, The African Way” and patron of the Tutu Foundation UK. Ngomane has never felt that her family forced her to follow in their footsteps, but that their hope for justice and human dignity for all has been passed down through her genes. She has worked in Middle East conflict resolution and for the advancement of women and girls for some of the world’s foremost advocacy organizations and initiatives. She was recently campaign coordinator for Millions of Conversations, a bipartisan campaign aimed at tackling Islamophobia and discrimination in the US. She is passionate about human rights, specifically the advancement of women and girls, the protection of refugees, and the liberation of the Palestinian people. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in International Studies, with a focus on Peace, Global Security, and Conflict Resolution in the Middle East, from the School of International Service at American University in Washington, D.C. She completed a master’s degree in International Studies and Diplomacy from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at the University of London.

— LaDonna Sanders Nkosi is director of Intercultural Ministries for the Church of the Brethren.

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