
Ecumenical Advocacy Days 2020 imagines God’s earth and people restored

The 2020 Ecumenical Advocacy Days (EAD) take place April 24-27 in Washington, D.C. The event includes a national gathering of Christian advocates and activists, and a lobby day. The theme this year, “Imagine! God’s Earth and People Restored,” explores the intersection of climate change and economic injustice.

The Church of the Brethren’s Office of Peacebuilding and Policy serves on the leadership team that helps plan this gathering, and the Church of the Brethren is a sponsoring body.

The EAD weekend includes worship, speakers, and workshops centered around the theme, concluding on Monday with a focused lobby day involving conversations with members of Congress. Lobbying will be based on a specific climate and economic justice “Legislative Ask” grounded in Christian social justice traditions.

This event can help provide knowledge and skills to better fulfill the Annual Conference statement “Creation Care,” which states, “to value God’s creation, the scriptures teach us we must be mindful of over-consumption, to seek justice for the weak and powerless, [and] reflect God’s light to the world.”
Early bird registration rates end March 16. Register and find more information at https://advocacydays.org .

Today is the deadline for students or young adults ages 18-35 to apply for limited scholarships based on need. The deadline for scholarship applications is 11:59 p.m. on Feb. 15. Go to https://advocacydays.org/2020-imagine-gods-earth-people-restored/scholarship-application-form . 

— Alexandra Toms, an associate at the Office of Peacebuilding and Policy, contributed this information to Newsline.

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