Brethren Press is highlighting a round dozen resources for use by individuals and churches in this fourth quarter of 2020. On the list are new resources published by Brethren Press for education and enjoyment of young and old. Also recommended are new books by Brethren authors, from other publishers but available to purchase through Brethren Press.
A colorful revision of an old Brethren Press favorite, this card game features 13 people and their interesting roles in Brethren history and heritage: Mattie Dolby, Julia Gilbert, John Kline, Alexander Mack, Sarah Righter Major, Ken Morse, Anna Mow, Gladdys Muir, Christopher Sauer Jr., Ted Studebaker, Samuel Weir, Dan West, and Laura Wine. Illustrations are by Mitch Miller. $15. www.brethrenpress.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=9780871783035
A mug decorated with Forerunners illustrations is a great accompaniment to the game. $15. www.brethrenpress.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=FOREMUG

Birth of Jesus – The newest in the Covenant Bible Studies series, Birth of Jesus, is written by Richard Gardner, former academic dean at Bethany Theological Seminary. The Gospels of Matthew and Luke offer two different accounts of Jesus’ birth and infancy. This study looks closely at their distinctive features and then seeks meaning: What do these stories tell us about Jesus? How do they engage the world in which they were written? And what do they mean for our lives today? $10.95. www.brethrenpress.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=9780871782892

Advent devotional – The 2020 Advent devotional from Brethren Press, Give Light, is written by James Benedict. This pocket-sized paperback offers a daily scripture reading, devotional thought, and prayer through the season of Advent. $4. www.brethrenpress.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=8488

Children’s Advent devotional – Originally published in 2018, 25 Days to Jesus continues as a favorite gift for children this year. The colorful, hard-cover book is written by Christy Waltersdorff with illustrations by Mitch Miller. Children will meet those whose lives were changed by the birth of Jesus through a daily scripture, story, and prayer. $18.95. www.brethrenpress.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=9033

Stories from Nigeria – We Bear It in Tears: Stories from Nigeria is a full-length book of interviews with survivors of Boko Haram violence in northeast Nigeria. The interviews were carried out by Carol Mason, accompanied by photographs taken by Donna Parcell. $28. www.brethrenpress.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=9780871782915

Jigsaw puzzle – A 432 piece, 18-by-24 inch puzzle features a photograph of the Eder River in Schwarzenau, Germany, taken by Church of the Brethren photographer Glenn Riegel. Schwarzenau is the birthplace of the Brethren movement and the Eder River is where the first Brethren baptisms took place in 1708. The photo was taken in 2008 during the 300th anniversary celebration. The puzzle comes in a decorative canister. $38.99. www.brethrenpress.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=EZ332

A Guide for Biblical Studies – “Call in the New Testament” is this quarter’s issue of A Guide for Biblical Studies, the long-running Brethren Press Bible study for adult Sunday school classes and small groups. Written by Robin Wentworth Mayer, it examines God’s call in stories from the New Testament. The greatest call came to Jesus, but other calls led to the extension of Christian ministry into the known world. The final five lessons highlight women in ministry. A Guide for Biblical Studies is issued quarterly and contains daily scriptures, lessons, and questions for use by both individuals and small groups. $6.95. www.brethrenpress.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=9902
New books by Brethren authors

Who Will Be a Witness? Igniting Activism for God’s Justice, Love, and Deliverance by Drew G. I. Hart is published by Herald Press and available to order through Brethren Press. The book offers a vision for communities of faith to organize for deliverance and justice in their neighborhoods, states, and nation as an essential part of living out the call of Jesus. It provides insights into scripture and history, along with illuminating personal stories, to help identify how the witness of the church has become mangled by Christendom, white supremacy, and religious nationalism. $15.19 (internet price). www.brethrenpress.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=1513806580

Hauerwas the Peacemaker? by Nathan Hosler is published by Wipf & Stock and available to order through Brethren Press. Written by the director of the Church of the Brethren’s Office of Peacebuilding and Policy, this book examines theologian Stanley Hauerwas’ contribution to peacemaking as part of his ecclesiology and broader theological/ethical work. “War has been abolished in Christ” was Hauerwas’ strong claim. $28 (internet price). www.brethrenpress.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=1532671482

Resurrection Peacemaking–Plowsharing the Tools of War: 30 Years with Christian Peacemaker Teams by Clifford (Cliff) Kindy is published by Wipf & Stock and available to order through Brethren Press. Kindy draws the reader through the drama and mediocrity of his personal experience of working with CPT in many parts of the world afflicted by war and violence. “Space is provided for the reader to step into the shallows of peacemaking and then on into the depths. This book is intended to be acted into being,” said the Brethren Press description. $15.20 (internet price). www.brethrenpress.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=9781725278967

Children’s book of Bible stories – All of Us: God’s Story for You and Me is a children’s book of Bible stories from the Shine curriculum of Brethren Press and MennoMedia. It is available to purchase from Brethrenpress.com and also is available to Sunday school teachers and students through the curriculum. It is suitable for use by families at home as well as serving as the Bible storybook for the primary, older elementary, and multi-age classes in Shine. Each story is told in two ways–as a cartoon and as a written story for reading together with children. A new volume is being produced each year. This year’s includes selected stories from Genesis, Exodus, Joshua, Isaiah, Luke, Matthew, Mark, and Acts. $10.99. www.brethrenpress.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=80694
Order these and more resources at www.brethrenpress.com.
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