From Mutual Aid Agency releases provided by Amy Huckaba

In response to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, the Brethren Mutual Aid Share Fund is announcing that any grant requests related to the virus will be eligible for double matching through the fund. The Brethren Mutual Aid Share Fund is a nonprofit corporation created to provide financial assistance to Church of the Brethren-related congregations, camps, and organizations in their caring and sharing ministries. To learn more about the fund or to submit a grant application, visit .
In related news, the fund’s parent agency is announcing a name change in celebration of its 135th anniversary. The former Brethren Mutual Aid Agency is now known as the Mutual Aid Agency, or MAA. The choice to simplify MAA’s name was made in an effort to communicate continued relevance in an ever-changing world and culture. MAA welcomes individuals and churches from across the nation to participate in mutual church, personal, farm, and commercial insurance plans. By emphasizing the word “mutual,” MAA is reinforcing its continued commitment to service and community, as well as the Church of the Brethren tradition of seeking peace and unity.
“Our Brethren heritage and values remain at the forefront of our priorities,” says Kim Rutter, general manager of MAA. “We are grateful for these roots that inspire us to work together and to do good.”
The MAA is an independent insurance agency based near Abilene, Kan. Since its humble beginning in 1885, the agency has been providing peace of mind to its clients, becoming a highly respected provider of property insurance to the Church of the Brethren and its members. Visit for more information or contact 800-255-1243 or .
Brethren Mutual Aid Share Fund COVID-19 grants
After a comprehensive discussion during its May meeting, the fund board felt an increase was a necessary response to the growing needs of Church of the Brethren individuals, families, and communities brought on by the global pandemic. The decision was made official after a vote that enacted the new policy immediately.
Applicants will need to state how the beneficiary of the grant has been affected by COVID-19, be it a job loss, reduction of hours, medical expenses, or other unforeseen emergency circumstances. An administrator of the fund will then review the request and grant up to $1,000 per eligible church insured through the Mutual Aid Agency.
This policy will remain in place for applications submitted through 2020. Individuals and congregations are welcome to contribute to the fund and can contact the Mutual Aid Agency by telephone or mail with questions or donations.
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