A webpage of resources and recommendations on coronavirus COVID-19 has been posted by Brethren Disaster Ministries. The webpage includes sections of guidance for families and individuals, guidance for church leaders and congregations–including emergency planning, and a warning about coronavirus scams. Go to www.brethren.org/bdm/covid-19.html
The webpage helps answers commonly asked questions such as what are the symptoms of COVID-19, who is at higher risk, what to do if you are at higher risk, what to do if someone you care for is sick, and what practices can help avoid contracting the disease such as social distancing and hand-washing.
Guidance for church leaders and congregations includes resources for creating an emergency plan for your congregation, what questions need to be answered or dealt with by a congregation during a health emergency, determining ways to support those who may become ill, determining ways to support overburdened church leaders, providing the congregation with information, helpful ways to modify worship practices, and more.
A box of information is provided to help Brethren avoid coronavirus scams.
Find the webpage at www.brethren.org/bdm/covid-19.html .