
Brethren Benefit Trust cancels annual fitness challenge

A release from BBT

The annual walk walk/run will not go on as planned…at least not this year.

Brethren Benefit Trust has cancelled its Annual Conference 5K Fun Run, long known as the 5K Fitness Challenge, in light of all the unexpected issues this year on both the medical and financial fronts. The event had been scheduled for Saturday, July 4, in Grand Rapids, Mich.

BBT did not hold the Fitness Challenge last year at Annual Conference in Greensboro because it did not want to interfere with a Conference schedule that was meant to give attendees quality time working through the issues of the denominational compelling vision process. 

“We planned to get the event back on the schedule this year with a new twist–changing it from a timed race to a fun run/walk and also making it a fundraiser,” stated BBT president Nevin Dulabaum. “However, in light of concerns over both health and finances, we believe it is in everyone’s interest not to hold this event this year.”

BBT staff had chosen the Nigeria Crisis Fund as the recipient of fundraising efforts through the fun run/walk, and still plan to make a donation to this worthy cause. “When our team met and agreed to cancel the event, we also agreed that we still wanted to give a portion of the money we would have spent hosting the 5K Fun Run/Walk to the Nigeria Crisis Fund,” Dulabaum continued.

If you would like to make a donation to the Nigeria Crisis Fund, go to www.brethren.org/nigeriacrisis .

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