by James Deaton
A November letter from the Yearbook Office has informed all Church of the Brethren congregations that changes are forthcoming in the way directory and statistical data will be collected. No Form B will be mailed this fall but instead will be combined into a later mailing. This is the first step, and further changes will be made over the course of a couple of years. More details and instructions will be sent to congregations and districts in early 2019.
The end goal is to reduce the collection of information from multiple forms and mailings to a single mailing that will be sent out early each year. There also will be an online option for congregations to submit their information–something many congregations have asked for. There will still be a paper option for those who prefer that.
“We appreciate the time and effort you put into completing these forms each year–a vital way for the church to stay connected,” said Yearbook specialist Jim Miner. “Form B and other forms are used to collect directory and statistical information from congregations. Much of it is published in the annual Church of the Brethren Yearbook.”
For questions and more information contact the Yearbook Office at or 800-323-8039 ext. 320.