
Midwestern districts sponsor conference on biblical authority

Church of the Brethren Newsline
February 8, 2018

Photo by Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford.

Six midwestern districts of the Church of the Brethren including Illinois and Wisconsin, Michigan, Northern Indiana, Northern Ohio, South Central Indiana, and Southern Ohio, are sponsoring a conference titled “Conversations about Biblical Authority.”

The conference takes place April 23-25 at Hueston Woods Conference Center near Dayton, Ohio. It is open to pastors and ministers, other congregational leaders, and interested church members.

Keynote speakers are Karoline Lewis, the Marbury E. Anderson Chair in Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary, and Jason Barnhart, director of Brethren Research and Resourcing for the Brethren Church. Ted Swartz of Ted & Co. will perform “The Big Story.”

Two members of the faculty at Bethany Theological Seminary–Denise Kettering Lane, associate professor of Brethren Studies and director of the Master of Arts Program, and Dan Ulrich, the Wieand Professor of New Testament Studies–are helping facilitate the conversation. Michaela Alphonse, pastor of First Church of the Brethren in Miami, Fla., is the preacher for the Monday evening worship service.

More information and registration will be made available soon.

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