
Top 10 first impressions of National Youth Conference

Church of the Brethren Newsline
July 22, 2018

“Good!” (Thumbs up.)
— Daniel from Northern Indiana District“The [worship] service is really fun. It seems like God really was in here.”
— Kyle from Pennsylvania“Very organized”
— Martin from Pacific Southwest District

“How wide and big this place is.”
— Sharon from California

“When Jeff [Carter, Bethany Seminary president and the preacher for the opening worship service] spoke, it spoke to me. I got very emotional.”
— Kelsey from South Central Indiana District

“[Worship] was unexpected. It was really good and it was a really unique experience. I like that!”
— Lillian from Pennsylvania

“It felt like a very communicative environment. Everyone is so welcoming and friendly.”
— Moriah from Pennsylvania

“I think it’s great to have people of the same faith and interests come together. Back home that doesn’t happen as often.”
— Austin from Mid-Atlantic District

“I liked it last night at the basketball court, that a group of guys let us play ball with them.”
— Tyler from Mid-Atlantic District

“When after worship we were standing around talking with our pastor…. He started pulling in people that he knew into the conversation. Everyone knows everyone in the Church of the Brethren, but I hadn’t seen it like that before and it was really neat.”
— Tessa from Atlantic Northeast District

— Frank Ramirez and Mary Dulabaum contributed this report.

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Members of the NYC 2018 Press Team contributed to this reporting. The team includes Laura Brown, Allie Dulabaum, Mary Dulabaum, Nevin Dulabaum, Eddie Edmonds, Russ Otto, Frank Ramirez, Alane Riegel, Glenn Riegel, and Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, director of News Services for the Church of the Brethren.

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