Church of the Brethren Newsline
May 20, 2017
More people face famine today than at any time in modern history, with 20 million people at risk of starvation and millions more suffering drought and food shortages. In light of this, the All Africa Conference of Churches and the World Council of Churches invite us to take part in a Global Day of Prayer to End Famine on May 21.
We join in their prayers:
We pray for the people, churches, wider society, and the governments of South Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria, and Yemen. We also pray for all the neighboring countries, which are also affected and are receiving and hosting millions of displaced people.
We pray for the strengthening of the prophetic voice of the churches. We also pray for the ministry of accompanying individuals and communities with their preferential attention and ministry to the marginalized and the poor.
We pray for the strengthening and adequate resourcing of the ongoing work of the churches in the affected areas. We also pray for the revival among churches and faith communities to respond to this crisis and for the diaconal work of church communities.
Give us the humility, courage, and willingness to respond to the needs of our sisters and brothers in dire situations in a compassionate, timely, and sufficient manner.
We pray for children in the famine- and drought-affected countries and their welfare, that the appropriate interventions might be directed to them.
We also pray for peaceful and safe working conditions of humanitarian workers and communities on the front lines, that their lives are protected and access to humanitarian assistance is secured.
We pray for peace and durable solutions that will end conflict and violence. We pray that communities can live, mobilize their resources, benefit from the fruits of their labor, in their own environment, living without domination and fear.
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