
Song and Story Fest Celebrates Its 20th Anniversary

This year’s Song and Story Fest, a family camp and gathering of Brethren musicians and storytellers, will mark a milestone: the 20th anniversary of the annual event. The 2016 Song and Story Fest is scheduled for July 3-9 at Camp Blue Diamond near Petersburg, Pa.

“We’ve been gathering for these Song and Story Fests for a long time now,” said the brochure for the event. “We’ve been fed by the sharing of music, stories, and life’s happenings. We have reflected on being people of faith in these troubled times. We’ll take some time to remember and celebrate our journey together. But we aren’t finished yet! We continue to seek out the movement of God in our lives and the wider world, and to enjoy and celebrate that movement as well as to join in amplifying it.”

This year’s storytellers and workshop leaders are Heidi Beck, Marie Benner-Rhoades, Deanna Brown, Debbie Eisenbise, Bob Gross, Kathy Guisewite, Reba Herder, Jonathan Hunter, and Jim Lehman. Campfire, workshop, and concert musicians are Louise Brodie, Jeffrey Faus and Jenny Stover-Brown, Chris Good, LuAnne Harley and Brian Krushwitz, Joseph Helfrich, Bill Jolliff, Peg Lehman, Lilly Nuss, Ethan Setiawan, and Mike Stern.

More information and online registration for this “intergenerational camp for all ages” is available at http://onearthpeace.org/song-story-fest-2016 . On Earth Peace is a co-sponsor.

Contact Ken Kline Smeltzer at bksmeltz@comcast.net for questions.


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