The Conference Office has released the ballot that will be presented to the delegate body at the 2016 Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren this summer. Topping the ballot are two nominees for Annual Conference moderator-elect: Samuel Sarpiya and Walt Wiltschek. Other offices to be filled by election of the delegate body are positions on the Program and Arrangements Committee, Pastoral Compensation and Benefits Advisory Committee, Mission and Ministry Board, Bethany Seminary board of trustees, Brethren Benefit Trust board, and On Earth Peace board.
On the ballot for the position of moderator-elect are Samuel Kefas Sarpiya of Rockford, Ill., an ordained minister, pastor, and church planter in Illinois and Wisconsin District who has been active in local peacemaking efforts; and Walt Wiltschek of Broadway, Va., an ordained minister, writer, and editor, who has served in campus ministry at Manchester University and is a past editor of “Messenger” magazine.
Following are nominees for other positions to be filled by election in 2016, listed by position:
Program and Arrangements Committee
Emily Shonk Edwards of Nellysford, Va., and Staunton (Va.) Church of the Brethren
John Shafer of Oakton, Va., and Oakton Church of the Brethren.
Pastoral Compensation and Benefits Advisory Committee
Raymond Flagg of Lebanon, Pa., and Annville (Pa.) Church of the Brethren
Elsie Holderread of McPherson, Kan., and McPherson Church of the Brethren
Mission and Ministry Board
Area 3:
Marcus Harden of Gotha, Fla., and Miami (Fla.) First Church of the Brethren
John Mueller of Fleming Island, Fla., and Jacksonville (Fla.) Church of the Brethren
Area 4:
Katie Carlin of Monument, N.M., and Clovis (N.M.) Church of the Brethren
Luci Landes of Kansas City, Mo., and Messiah Church of the Brethren in Kansas City, Mo.
Area 5:
Thomas Dowdy of Long Beach, Calif., and Imperial Heights Church of the Brethren in Los Angeles, Calif.
Mark Ray of Covington, Wash., and Covington Community Church of the Brethren
Bethany Theological Seminary
Representing the laity:
Miller Davis (incumbent) of Westminster, Md., and Westminster Church of the Brethren
Robert C. Johansen of Granger, Ind., and Crest Manor Church of the Brethren in South Bend, Ind.
Representing the colleges:
Mark A. Clapper of Elizabethtown, Pa., and Elizabethtown Church of the Brethren
Bruce W. Clary of McPherson, Kan., and McPherson Church of the Brethren
Brethren Benefit Trust board
Katherine Allen Haff of North Manchester, Ind., and Manchester Church of the Brethren
David L. Shissler of Hummelstown, Pa., and Hershey (Pa.) Spring Creek Church of the Brethren
On Earth Peace board
Beverly Sayers Eikenberry of North Manchester, Ind., and Manchester Church of the Brethren
Mary Kay Snider Turner of Gettysburg, Pa., and Gettysburg/Marsh Creek Church of the Brethren
For more information about the 2016 Annual Conference to take place June 29-July 3 in Greensboro, N.C., go to .